​You Can Make A Difference
Consider investing towards our mission to provide young men from underserved communities the foundation required to successfully pursue higher education, to develop the strength of their character and to inspire them to live with integrity as leaders committed to their communities.
We at Covenant Prep believe our success is due to a collaborative effort among parents, staff and volunteers. In addition to financial support, there are many ways in our community can volunteer their time, skills, and experience to enrich the Covenant Prep, the student body, and the alumni community.
Listed below are a few ways in which volunteer can donate their efforts, but we are always looking for innovative methods to contribute to the vitality of the school.
Student Mentors
A CPS Mentor is a caring, responsible adult volunteer who serves as a trusted
friend and guide to a student from Covenant Prep, helping a CPS student develop
important academic and life skills.
Volunteer tutors work alongside Covenant Prep faculty and serve as one-on-one
tutors with the boys as they complete their daily homework assignments and school
projects. To learn more about either of these options, email Nikki Cannavo at ncannavo@covenantprep.org.
Teacher Mentors
Teacher mentors provide guidance, support, and structure to assist new teachers in achieving their professional goals in the classroom. If you are interested in being a teacher mentor, please email Nikki Cannavo at ncannavo@covenantprep.org.
Secondary School Placement Mentors
Secondary School Placement Mentors (SSPM) support our student’s efforts to apply to private, parochial, and specialized public secondary schools. SSPM work in conjunction with the Covenant Prep staff, to provide personal one-on-one student support throughout the application process. In 8th grade, the mentors meet weekly with students and focus on writing essays and completing the student profile. If you have an interest or expertise in secondary school placement, and would like to help with coaching, please email Kela Perkins at mperkins@covenantprep.org.
Coaches & Athletic Assistants
Thanks to the dedication of Covenant Prep teachers and individuals willing to volunteer as coaches or assistant coaches, Covenant Prep students may participate in a variety of inter-scholastic sports over the school year. Students participate in athletics daily from 4:00-5:15pm. If you have a particular athletic interest or expertise and would like to help with coaching, please contact Katie McKinney at kmckinney@covenantprep.org.
Guest Speakers
We welcome the opportunity for guest speakers to address the student body about particular topics, professions, causes, and ideas that will challenge and encourage the students to extend their reach as they think about their futures. If you would like the opportunity to speak with the Covenant Prep community, please contact Katie McKinney at kmckinney@covenantprep.org.
Development & Communications Office​
The Covenant Prep Development & Communications Office oversees the school's fundraising, marketing, and communications efforts, including special event planning and development appeals. If you are interested in volunteering with the Development & Communication Office, please contact Katie McKinney at kmckinney@covenantprep.org.